Yamada Natto Daisuki Yawaraka Gokukotsubu


4-tier pack of Natto with two types of bonito dashi such as umami 旨み and scented 香り dashi. The flavors of bonito, kelp, scallop and seafood have been added to enhance the taste. Mix well with “Japanese mustard” and itadakimasu  頂きます!

∴ Frozen / Express Delivery within selected Klang Valley area only

SKU: 1400 Categories: , , ,


Ingredients 原材料名:
Natto, starch syrup mixed isomerized liquid sugar, salt, soy sauce (including wheat and soybeans), sugar, extract, scallop extract, seafood extract, seasoning (amino acid, etc.), acidulants, sugar, brewed vinegar, food salt. [納豆]大豆(アメリカまたはカナダ)(遺伝子組換えでない)、納豆菌 [添付たれ]水あめ混合異性化液糖、食塩、醤油(小麦・大豆を含む)、砂糖、かつおエキス、こんぶエキス、ホタテエキス、魚介エキス / 調味料(アミノ酸等)、酸味料 [添付からし]からし、砂糖、醸造酢、食塩 / 酒精、酸味料、着色料(ウコン)、増粘多糖類、香料、調味料(アミノ酸等)、香辛料